Independent researcher, Ph.D. in Sociology, M.D. in Journalism
Based in Luxembourg, I am the driving force behind the Social Foresight Group as its founder and project coordinator. I also hold the position of Chairwoman at the Russian Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications and am the founder of Social Researchers Across Borders.
My contributions extend to the literary world as a co-author of “Open Question: Public Opinion Polls in the Modern History of Russia” and “Parenthood 2.0”.
My academic pursuits predominantly focus on comparative sociological studies, the dynamics of parenthood, and the principles of scientific ethics. With extensive experience in the third sector, grassroots movements, and educational and cultural organizations, I am also recognized for delivering insightful lectures on the ethics of scientific publications.

My collaboration in international research projects includes partnerships with eminent scientists from Hanguk University, Seoul.
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My projects:
  • Ideas for Russia is a research initiative co-founded by the Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom in partnership with the Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University) and Prague-based Institute for International Relations.
  • As part of the sociological project Skrytye mneniia (“Hidden Opinions”), which I started on my own initiative in 2022 and continued in 2023, I talked with Russians of different ages, professions, identities and lifestyles, both those who stayed in Russia and those who left.
  • The Social Foresight Group is an independent research group that includes social scientists and researchers with extensive experience in sociological research and international projects such as the World Values Survey, European Values Study, and Values in Crisis. A deep interest unites the group members in the multifaceted study of the social processes taking place in modern Russia and around it.
  • The Association of Social researchers across borders was initiated by Russian researchers who left the country after February 24, 2022. It was created with the aim of cooperation, support for transnational academic activities, and solidarity.
  • The Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications
    The Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications was created in response to the formalized regulation of Russian science, which ignores the institution of reputation (science is assessed not by the quality of the work performed, but by nominal indicators, which are not difficult to simulate); the dominance of the most aggressive players from the academic environment, aimed at demonstrating external signs of research results; the emergence of various kinds of conspiracies (scientometrics turned out to be a convenient means of authoritarian-bureaucratic stimulation of imitation of research activity).
My Videos
My books
My articles
  • ‘Me, a Person with Antiwar Views, I Suddenly Found Myself Signing Up for the War’
    Sociologist Anna Kuleshova writes about how, as the war drags on, Russians who initially were against it but stayed in Russia are gradually changing their views.
  • "С обидой на мир"? Как живут релоканты, вернувшиеся в Россию
    Многие из россиян, покинувших родину в 2022 году, по разным причинам вернулись обратно в РФ. Многие из них стараются влиться в антивоенное комьюнити, но часть начинает поддерживать Путина. DW собрала несколько историй. URL:
  • По законам военного времени: как в России борются с экстремизмом после 24 февраля 2022 года

    За время, прошедшее с начала войны, число политических репрессий в России заметно выросло. В первую очередь это касается антивоенных выступлений — но не только. Где государство склонно сегодня видеть проявления экстремизма и как с ними борется? Насколько политически или идейно мотивированы действия, которые власть считает противозаконными? Данными по этому поводу с T-invariant поделились руководитель Исследовательского центра «Сова» Александр Верховский и эксперт центра Наталия Юдина.
  • Kuleshova A. (2024) «Выбираем, что лучше — сидеть тише воды, ниже травы или прыгать выше головы». Как 2023 изменил мысли, настроения и надежды несогласных россиян// Republic. URL:
  • Kuleshova A., Volkova M. (2023) What
    Life Is Like For Russian Emigrants // Russia.Post. URL:
  • Kuleshova A. (2023) "Now everyone understands what to discuss and what not to discuss over the phone." How the Everyday Life of Dissenting Russians Has Changed After February 24 // Republic
  • Why are Russians who oppose the war not taking to the streets
    Kuleshova A. (2023) Why are Russians who oppose the war not taking to the streets// OpenDemocracy
  • Russian migration to Armenia and Georgia in 2022: Enclave Economy and Local Employment
    Kuleshova A, Baranova V. et al. (2023) Russian migration to Armenia and Georgia in 2022: Enclave Economy and Local Employment // The Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation.
  • Portrait of Russian Emigration-2022 on the Example of Those Who Found Themselves in Armenia and Georgia
    Kuleshova A. (2022) "We already knew before lunch that we were leaving". Portrait of Russian Emigration-2022 on the Example of Those Who Found Themselves in Armenia and Georgia // Republic
  • In Russia, there is a battle going on – for the future of science
    Kuleshova A. (used pseudonym) (2021) In Russia, there is a battle going on – for the future of science// OpenDemocracy
  • Walking the razor’s edge: how to avoid self-plagiarism when you recycle your texts.
    Kuleshova A.V., Chekhovich Yu.V., Belenkaya O.S. (2019) Walking the razor’s edge: how to avoid self-plagiarism when you recycle your texts. Science Editor and Publisher. 4(1-2):45-51. (In Russ.)
  • Kuleshova A. V. Flywheel of Publication Inflation Troitsky Variant. No. 273. 26.02.2019.
  • Kuleshova A., Podvoyskiy D. (2018) Paradoxes of Publication Activity in the Field of Contemporary Russian Science: Genesis, Diagnosis, Trends. Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes. No. 4. P. 169—210.
  • The Council’s on the Scientific Publications Ethics Address
    Kuleshova A. (2017) The Council’s on the Scientific Publications Ethics Address. Sociological Studies. No. 5. P. 159—164.
  • Kirillova O., Kuleshova, A. et al. (2017) Methodological recommendations for the preparation and design of scientific articles in journals indexed in international scientometric databases. Publisher: Association of Science Editors and Publishers.
  • Kuleshova A. (2017) Work of the Council on Publication Ethics: First Results In the collection: Scientific Publication of the International Level – 2017: World Practice of Preparation and Promotion of Publications Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Conference. P. 66-69.
My Interviews
    I live in Luxembourg and cooperate with people and companies all over the world.
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